Wednesday 7 January 2009

Sean Rodrieguez' Rehab Diary: Day Six

I awake among a cluster of naked runway models with severe father issues. In my left hand I’m grasping the long neck of a drained bottle of Jose Cuervo my right holds a bottle of Bud Ice that’s dripping it’s last slowly onto sound asleep female midriff. Something is definitely right here…
I get out of bed and walk over a carpet of naked bodies, waking up each one as I step with a shower of profanity and abuse. As a celebrity I’m pretty used to that kind of reaction when I stand on people’s naked girlfriends. I step into a more literal shower and looking over the stunning mass that is myself I realize suddenly I’ve gotten a new tattoo. Despite my usual tattoo of the word “Talent” in bold letters down my left forearm I apparently got “Matthew xvi. 23” down my right forearm at some point last night. 

It never felt so fucking awesome to make a drunken mistake.



 With Special Thanks To: Seb De Turenne for help with the French on day 4 and to all of you who read all the updates. Thanks for reading.

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